I wanted to do something a little different to kick off my eighth year of my daily design project. For the last few years, I've been focused on digital work only, specifically because I've been learning Cinema 4D independently, and this personal project has been a good outlet for that. In October, I got to work on a cool assignment at Mailchimp (I will eventually share that project when I get my samples mailed!), where I could go a little more analog than the work I generally get to do. I did a lot of scanning, collaging and hand-lettering, and it felt really good and challenging, and in a way, it felt like I was going back to basics. So, all to say is that for January, I have been focused on making little collages of underdeveloped film photo prints and whatever scraps of stock I have around. My dining table is now in a permanent state of chaos:
But worth it because I have been having a lot of fun working on these small abstract compositions. All of them are hand-made collages that I scan in. The only digital editing I've made so far is expanding the background colours to fit a 1:1 ratio and removing any blemishes (I should just clean my scanner bed).
I have also brought some of them into After Effects to add some movement. I have kept all of them at 12FPS so that they retain that analog feel.
I still aim to keep everything I make under 20 minutes, so I have stuck to using super simple forms and techniques to get these done. It's been nice and refreshing to do these explorations!
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