Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

blogger beware: the goosebumps blog

Monday, June 1st, 2009


Blogger Beware: The Goosebumps Blog.

I thought I ahould share. This is a hillarious blog where a diligent guy by the name of Troy reads the Goosebumps books by R.L Stine and then sumarizes them. I stay up every night reading his entires and laugh till 3 in the morning.

First Post yo!

Monday, June 1st, 2009

Finally I have started working on my website. I bought the domain like two months ago but with school and life getting in the way, I didn’t really have time (read: I was wasting my time playing video games and watching movies.

I finished my first year at OCAD about a month ago but I’m taking summer illustration classes. I never would have thought that I would go to school during summer but honestly, it doesn’t even feel like I am and that’s cool with me.

I’m writing this right now, I probably won’t be a completely diligent blogger. Just throwing that out there. I will attempt to post on a semi-regular basis, even if its just for myself.