Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Four Pounds of Early Halloween

Sunday, September 6th, 2009

So school starts Tuesday. Even though I just finished my summer classes like two weeks ago, I must say, I’m still super psyched to be back. I’m going to have 7 classes though (normally its 5 per semester) and I’m trying to get a job within the school and also start some serious freelancing, so I’m pretty sure sometime in the next 4 months you’ll see a post here that will seem maniacal and won’t make any sense. if that happens, it means I’ve officially lost my mind.

Monday I went to another session of Dr. Sketchy’s, with a Tank Girl theme. Honestly, it was my favourite one. I got some awesome poses and and drawings, and the music was sweet, and the MC was as dirty as ever. It’s become my new favourite thing to do on a Monday night.

Yesterday, my dad and my sister went to Buffalo to some outlet mall. We ended up buying winter coats and freakin’ 4 pound of Lindt chocolate. FOUR POUNDS. It’s like an early, gourmet Halloween for me. It was a pretty epic trip I must say.

Today I came back home, and cleaned up half of my apartment and then spent the rest of the day doing roughs for zines, commissions and a birthday present for a friend. I’ll post what I made after I give it to her in case she reads this!

I finally got registered for Canzine! I have so much to do, I hope it all pays of the in end. I need to order business cards and postcards soon, but I’ll have to wait until OSAP transfers my funds to my bank account (starving artist no more!)

I’m leaving you with Club Feet’s ‘Teenage Suicide”, a song that played at a previous Sketchy session.

Channing Tatum + Charlyne Yi= Dirty Dancing

Tuesday, August 4th, 2009

YouTube – Channing Tatum Charlyne Yi Make Dirty Dancing Funny Channing Tatum.

Haha cute.

Florence And The Machine – Dog Days

Tuesday, July 28th, 2009

I very much like this song. I hope Florence plays Toronto sometime soon.

YouTube – Florence And The Machine – Dog Days.


Saturday, July 11th, 2009

Phew so I fixed some problems that were coming up on the site. I also uploaded some pieces to my portfolio. I’m always really disappointed how my illustrations look like when they are scanned in. I much prefer them in reality, rather than in a digital format. My new goal is to produce art that looks kick-ass when scanned in 🙂

Wednesday is registration. I’ve been told that its brutal in second year. The only class I really care about is Illustration 2, but because I haven’t transferred over to the Illustration program yet, I’m afraid it won’t let me register for it. Ugh and a lot of classes that I’m required to take start at 8:30 in the morning. It takes me awhile to commute so I am not looking forward to those. And ideally I would like to my Friday’s still open. I feel like I’m preparing for a battle.


Tuesday, June 30th, 2009

I’ve been having a spot of bad luck for the past month and haven’t gotten around to uploading any worthy artwork. I am hoping that this weekend I will have some time for myself in order to finish what I have started.