Archive for the ‘school’ Category


Tuesday, July 14th, 2009

Ok, so in about 2 hours and 15 minutes registration begins… I set 3 alarms all at 12:00 am just in case. I’m very nervous. I really, really, really, want my schedule to work out. I can’t apply for the illustration classes yet, thats on the 24th. I’ve got butterflies in my stomache. I’m such a girl.

Ok so I’ve registered all my GD classes and managed to snatch the coveted Anatomy class (ugh 8:30 on Fridays=fail!) and now I just have to wait until the 24th to register my Illustration classes. Oh and none of the alarms went off. I suck.

Damn my indecisiveness.

Sunday, July 12th, 2009

I’m feeling very agitated right now. During the entire school year, I was torn between majoring in Graphic Design or Illustration. I thought I loved GD as much as Illustration, but in April I realized I didn’t. I figured I still had time to switch faculties, because after all, GD and Illustration as closely intertwined and I wouldn’t have to take extra courses (because first year is all the same).

I talked to some head honchos from different offices at school and to my dismay, the deadline to switch faculties was in Feburary. The only way I am able to switch into Illustration is by applying again next year in Feburary. And then on top of that, I would basically have to re-do an extra year, something for which I have no money. I was pretty crushed and deflated.

Then I figured that since I’m doing two core courses during summer, that I’ll be able to fit in the required Illustration classes and I wouldn’t have to repeat anything. Then, I saw that there is a priority status put into place, meaning that as a GD student, I can’t enroll in Illustration classes until the ban is lifted. That means that I’ll probably end up with the worst professors, or there won’t be room for me at all.

This whole thing makes me want to scream into my pillow, but I guess it’s my fault for not making up my mind in February. I always make things way to complicated. I’m going to attempt to find out if there’s any chance in hell that I’ll be able to switch for 2nd semester but I doubt it. Damn my indecisiveness.