Archive for the ‘Geek’ Category

Aesop’s Treasure

Saturday, September 12th, 2009

So I finished the first week of school. It was hectic, thats all I’m going to say. I ended up dropping a class, Graphic Design for Illustrators because I thought it was pointless for me to take it considering I’m still in the GD program and I’m doing a lot more in depth things then that class offered. So now I only have 6 classes instead of the 7, and I managed to condense my schedule to fit into three days. That means I have a 4 days weekend (whoop!) and I won’t have to spend money on lots of tickets of bus passes. I’m happy with my schedule now and I think its going to be a good semester.

Today I hit a couple of thrift stores with my friend, in search of old children’s books and National Geographic. I find that they are the best for collages, especially nature books. We actually ended up finding a whole series of animal books, with really awesome vintage photos. I can’t wait to do something with them. I also found a really nice old copy of Aesop’s Tales for only 99 cents! I always loved those stories and I’m thinking that for one of my zines I’ll do a little accordion style book based on one of the stories. After we hit Deserres to get some cheap art supplies. They’re having a huge sale for Back to School so I wanted to stock up on spray varnish and little tiny cradle board that were only a $1. Good Day.

I’m geeking out a little bit because I just ordered my first business card. With rounded corners! I hope they’ll come in soon, I’m so excited. For now I got 500, I thought that was a decent amount. I didn’t out my address on them because who knows where I’ll be. I’m also geeking out about the fact that Apple finally came out with a 64GB iTouch. I want it so bad but honestly, I had my iPod for three years now and it works perfectly fine. Its filled to the brim with music, so maybe for now I’ll just have to uncheck some songs. I’m sure by the time my battery dies, the iTouch will be cheaper.